Dear Seeker of Success,
Recently I showed you how showing genuine curiosity can help you score with smart chicks and succeed with intellectual women.
Would you like to see it in action?
Thought so.
And now…
Watch Me Don My “Smart Chick Seduction Cape”
And Put This In Action
I knew a woman who, so it seemed, I never could get into bed.
She was a painter, and I had a huge thing for her. I just couldn’t see what was getting in the way.
But then, I got a flash of inspiration and said, “How do you know when it’s time to paint?”
She gave me a very interesting answer. She said,
“I feel something in my hands. My hands tell me. I feel a charged sensation in my hands.
Before I even see anything, I just feel it in my hands. My hands go to the canvas, and I start sketching or painting. Then the imagery comes to my mind from what my hands put on the paper.”
Now she’s feeling sensations and putting her hands places. 🙂
All because I asked a question a certain way.
See how that works?
And that, as they say, sure beats a poke in the eye.
Here’s The Thing….
When you ask women questions about their deep processes that are part of their passion, they have to go into that part of their mind and run that process on some level.
That evokes all the passion and fun of feeling what she enjoys and it creates deep rapport.
Develop your curiosity about others and your own world and watch how women get interested in putting their hands on YOU.
Now, Would You Like This Power
For Yourself?
Do you want easy, life-long success with women?
Inside Rapid and Total Success With Women, my flagship home study course, I take you by the hand, lay out the blueprint, and show you step by step how to:
Select And Build The Right Kind Of Confidence For You
- Destroy Your Inner Negativity And Self-Sabotage
- Show Up Glowingly Attractive BEFORE You Even Open Your Mouth, And Before You Even Have Any Social Skills
- Master Being Sexually Forward And Be As At Ease Being Dominant As You Are Being Devoted
- Use “Walk Up Wizardry” – How To Effortlessly Meet Women, Anytime, Anywhere, On Full “Autopilot”
- NEVER Be Stuck On What To Say To A Woman Again, EVER, For A Lifetime!
- Use Erotic Languaging, Amplified And Simplified
- Master The 3 Touch Types For Easy Physical Escalation
- And Much, Much More
Including how to make her squirt.
It’s 100% instant online access so you can have it in less than 90 seconds from right this moment as you are reading this sentence and moving your mouse right here and clicking.
“Operators are standing by.”