Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans,
Sometimes what gets ignored in our search for success with women is who we are and what we are bringing into the interaction.
Someone once said, “A monkey in a silk suit is still a monkey”.
This understanding is why Speed Seduction® isn’t just about the language tools with women, but how we can clean up our own pain and confusion so what we bring into the interactions as men is already a lot more attractive and fun before we even say a word.
Here is an interaction I just had, by email, with a student who was missing that point.
> Hi Ross,
> I first read the game in December of 2009. Up until that point, I had only had one girlfriend and had only slept with one woman (The same person… By the way, I didn’t even particularly like her!).
> Having come from a massively dysfunctional family, I had hugely overwhelming issues with social situations, especially involving women. I had desperately wanted to find a girlfriend from a very early age, but just couldn’t do anything right. I always came across as needy, desperate and too keen.
> This year, I have been getting steadily better, but have still suffered some pretty devastating situations. Despite all the things I grew up with, I have managed to make a fair go in certain areas of my life. I have become a very accomplished musician, I have a decent job, I drive a nice car etc, but all this stuff seems worthless without someone to share it with. Even though I have made some good advances with myself, I am still suffering massively in the area of women. I have certainly improved with them, but my abilities to communicate still simply suck!
> To cut a long story short, I bought your home study course. I went over it with a fine tooth comb, but I just can’t seem to make it work. I see other guys using it brilliantly, I see you blazing a trail with it, yet I just can’t seem to make it work! I’ve even got some of the other DVDs, such as Gold Walkups and a couple of other that were included as part of a package deal at the time. I’m not a bad looking guy and without sounding big headed, I’m pretty intelligent with it. I just don’t know where I’m going wrong and I am totally at my wits end! It’s even reached the point where I have considered flying out to the US to come and have a one on one with you, but I know I need to use my money to buy some property next year.
> I’m desperate, Ross and I know you’re a man with answers. I know your stuff works, otherwise I wouldn”t have paid for it.
> What can I do?
> B
I think your question contains its own answer.
What we bring into even the very best technology for dealing with others, will effect how we apply that technology and the results we get.
Some people just come into this “game” with more pain, more unconscious patterns that get in the way, more confusion etc than others. All humans have some pain and confusion-that is the human condition. But some of us (as I did too) come with more pain from dysfunctional families and even a genetic load that predisposes us to be more anxious than others.
The good news:
Remember Speed Seduction® isn’t just about the technology for dealing with women successfully. It’s also about technology for cleaning up who WE are and what we bring forward into our interactions with women AS we use the language patterns, etc.
There is plenty in SS to deal with this. I suggest the Nail Your Inner Game program, or even more precisely, my Speed Seduction® Secret Training Collection. This is the past 2 years recorded content from my coaching program and contains modules for dealing with the emotional and other issues that you are bringing forward into what you do.
You deserve a shot at having a clean slate. NYIG and the Training collection will do that for you.
If you feel you want to work with me personally, try the Coaching Program. You get immediate access to all the vault content (but not organized by subject, as the Vault is – in the Coaching Program you have it organized by each month I create it), plus you get to talk with me live 4 times a month. Twice on a group phone bridge, once on my personal cell phone, and once by live group video conferencing.
Peace and piece,
P.S. One more thought – if you’d like to experience 3 full days of immersion training with me, consider attending one of our live seminars – we have numerous dates throughout the year and numerous locations throughout the world.