Dear Seeker of Success,
How can you hook a woman’s initial interest and attention during your first conversation with her?
First: the opening moves in Speed Seduction® are finding out where that person is at. Did you ever see a boxing match between two fighters who really respect or fear each other?
They don’t come out swinging.
They’re getting the rhythm of the person and thinking, “Where are they open? Where are they weak? What is their habit? How can I slip it?”
Think Of Success With Women In Terms
Of Winning…But Define Your “Win” Carefully
In the first three to five minutes of Speed Seduction®, I’m just engaging her and getting a feel for where she’s open.
Is she open?
Does she respond more strongly to me being funny?
Does she respond more strongly to me screening her?
Does she respond more strongly to me when I reveal my thoughts?
Does she respond more strongly to me when I’m strong, dominant and commanding?
I’m feeling my way through that because that’s the pathway I’m going to follow up on.
Remember, It’s About Hooking In Her Attention
What hooks in attention?
She could hook into a lot of things.
Your assignment for today: reflect on your recent Sarges. Are you keeping a Sarge journal?
Look at common themes. What are you saying/doing? How is she reacting? What results seem to come up again and again?
Then, meet me next time as we explore the above “hooks” in detail.
P.S. Just imagine: showing up with a whole new set of algorithms that I’ve sussed out for you, and having them run on autopilot, including any “de-bugging” you need as you progress.
That’s what the New Code teaching is really all about – and why it will give you a giant quantum leap in your success with women.
I’ve got my patterns memorized. But in the moment, it all goes out the window (I only do day time street approaches in the city streets/malls). I just go off the cuff. “I think you’re cute – what’s your name – want to meet up sometime for a drink?”
And this is after memorizing my ss script.
It’s so frustrating, not getting passed this.
@Godfrey – you’re a paying customer I believe, under your real name. Are you a member of our elite Facebook discussion group? If not, email and ask Sheila for details.
No problem Ross. Thank you for letting me know.
You bet!