Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student,
This video is number 6 of the 10 part Youtube Beyond Dating Tips/Advice For Men Mastery Series.( I know I say on the video that it is number 7 but actually it is number 6 .But really what the fuck does it matter?)
I teach my favorite method meeting women: the Put On.
This approach has many advantages, as I outline in this video.
1. It’s fun, so you do more of it.
2. It allows me to screen for women who enjoy my sense of humor and who can handle something a bit out of the ordinary-who in fact respond well and enjoy a bit out of the ordinary.
3. It’s unique so it gets positive attention.
Give it a watch and pass it on. And comment please.
Once again, the video is: Pick Up Artist Tactic: How To Be Funny/Use Put Ons To Meet Women
Peace and piece,
P.S. If you want to learn these methods, all in one place check out my Gold Walk Up DVD.
P.P.S. As I think you can see BY NOW, my advice for men goes way beyond pick up lines or traditional dating tips. This is the real stuff, for real world results.
This is something I'm going to work on. I'm WAY too serious when I first meet a woman… but then get funnier and goofier once I've developed rapport with her. It would be nice to be able to make her laugh initially. I like the way you presented this, Ross, especially with the emphasis on the pre-opener. Good stuff.
A wonderful reminder for me! Thanks Ross.
Single again after 2 years – I, using the skills you have shared with me, attempted 'mon-agony' for almost two years with a lovely, gorgeous. predator goddess… I have now decided to reconnect to sexual abundance with multiple simultaneous partners! So I'm back in the books, reading and practicing on students at the local Starbucks etc.
I too am way too serious when it comes to meeting women. It's something I just do naturally being myself (you know how they say just be yourself? lol) I have noticed it helps greatly not to be this way though and your video redeems that.