Dear Seeker of Success,
Sometimes when you are stuck, it is what stands far outside of what you are used to doing, that has the best chance of giving you the results that are far outside of what you are used to getting and enjoying.
Here is an exchange I just had with a potential student who just couldn’t see himself speaking to women the way I teach men to do, along with my answer.
Let me know what you think and if I made it clear to this guy.
I’m 90% sure I would like to purchase your Next Generation home study course but, from what I’ve seen and heard from your online videos is that I have a difficult time seeing myself speaking to women in this manner. It’s just so far off from what I actually speak like. And I would consider myself NOT the the best talker. So give me that extra 10% of reassurance and convince me that I can integrate this into my personality and make it actually WORK. I’m desperate!!! Not a fucking joke, I really need help in this area of my life!!! I know you get this question a lot but I still would like your answer.
Please respond because I’m not a customer YET, I really need help with this and I TRULY appreciate an honest answer.
A few answers:
- Could you see yourself trying out small bits and pieces of “speaking this way” just to see how they fit for size?
- To get results far different than you are used to having, sometimes you have to do things that are far different than you are used to doing. The way you are currently speaking with women isn’t working, so what is the point of clinging to what isn’t working, simply because it feels comfortable?
- Fortunately(very good news) Speed Seduction® also includes ways to manage and even ENJOY that initial “discomfort” when you are first using these language tools.
I am sorry my marketing didn’t make that clear enough: I will not only teach you the language tools. I will teach you how to handle, powerfully, any discomfort that you may experience along the way as you proceed to use them.
On that note, a HUGE piece of Speed Seduction® has to do with the tools I teach you to
- Manage your own emotions
- Create different kinds of confidence IN ACTION, that work for your own particular personality type
- Create motivation to keep going, and
- Discover how to learn from mistakes quickly and rapidly.
Yes, the language tools with women are SUPER-IMPORTANT.
But I think you had been missing how much of
Speed Seduction® Is About Assisting YOU:
How You Show Up For Women And Yourself
I hope this helps.
Finally, you get to choose HOW you best want to learn it.
You can log into a recorded course.
Also, you can always work with me 1-on-1.
I care.
P.S. If you have a deep concern or question before you become a student, I want to hear from you, whatever it is. This helps me be a better teacher, better communicator and is vital feedback for me. Sometimes I am so immersed in my own love of teaching and my own creation, I don’t see how I am not making my point and clearly explaining.
I welcome your feedback, especially if you have doubts about yourself, the material, your ability to use it, etc.
Just email me: Subject: My Doubts/Fears/Struggles
I will keep your full name and your email address fully confidential.