Dear Speed Seduction Student,
Our recent articles on language patterns have led to questions about the “what’s going on inside you” that can affect how your use of language is perceived by women. Check out these tips for instilling beliefs:
Peace and piece,
P.S. This video is just one of the over 120 laser-focused, issue-specific, girl-getting videos contained within the Speed Seduction Secret Training Collection. Get instant access to ALL the videos right here.
[…] here: A Process For Instilling Beliefs No […]
Mighty Ross…again you honestly earn and wear well the title of Teacher. Thanks very much…you know your video got replayed here many times, and close notes got taken of your clear directions…just help us keep on knocking down those self-imposed fences and enhancing the ability to succeed in our real worlds…all the best to you, yours, and your intentions…Leslie
Thank You Ross,you have freely given some good knowledge to help.
Hi Ross,
I jus wondered how, when you recharge, it takes around 60 to 90 minutes.. ?
It may sound a bit anal, well it will sound anal now, but can you give a timescale to each process that identifies how much attention/time is given to each element?
Best regards,
The Bush W L
Before I used Speeedseduction(R) I approached women and they asked my age…
Now…I approach women and they tell me there age instead …Like it might be a problem for me…(I assure it’s not) They are asking for approval from me in the initail approach….Pfff – Nay Sayers…Ha… Please don’t tell me your non explained objections carry weight…Step over your tongue and live your life.