Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students,
After two weeks of technical issues, I’m back in the video posting biz.
So here is part II, of Module 1: Getting Up To Speed With Speed Seduction(R).
In this module I talk about what you MUST avoid, if you are going to enjoy success with women. What REALLY works, as opposed to what you’ve been taught.
Please comment below, and spread this video around.
And if, after watching this, you are convinced you want me for your teacher, coach and seduction mentor, go here to find out how you can try out the first month of my coaching program for just $1.
Peace and piece,
It’s NEVER About Where You Take Her Or What You Say…
Having you spending money on her benefits a lot of industries: dating, restaurants, florists, chocolates, etc., and SHE gets the benefit, but you DON”T get the results you want. That’s where Speed Seduction(r) can help you breakthrough the bull****…
Do you think someday you might cover internet sarging?
He has it is a brief segment in his ss 3.0 videos. A ten cent version that might get you a few results with out much concious grasp is on there myspace or face book you pick out there trance words then you repeat back to her in a message all those words. Like isnt it interesting that you can feel love, joy, and fun with me I think that is a great thing. That is a half ass version but you get the idea.
peace out.
As long as we’re making suggestions for what Ross should cover, may I suggest he venture into other areas of self-improvement? While I’ve always been impressed that he can help the 420 pound man or the poor guy get laid, I’ve always wondered why not help him lose weight or get a job? Not only would he get laid more often, but he’d also be a happier and better person. As Ross points out himself, many of his ideas can impove lots of aspects of our life, and whule I’m aware that other gurus cover these topics, few have Ross’s talent, IMHO.
All that happens outside her conscious awareness is hypnotic, ok. But I got a question: do you think its a good idea make her aware of that processes happening inside her? I dont mean talk to her about that, but to offer a little game or demo challenging her to notice how her body responds when she feels attraction, connection or whatever. Or its best not to make her aware, and talk about other people´s experiences using quottes, weasel phrases and that awesome SS stuff I highly recommend?
I have been using those tips you explain in this blog only…never bought your course and I think you should stop…because IT’S FREAKING WORKING TOO MUCH for me! lol.
I have a busy life and I thought “hmmm lets try some of these techniques with random girls”. My phone keeps ringing, I’m swamped on facebook and I just dont have time for so many girls. They think I’m a jerk cause I not always call back.
I guess I have to slow down!
good information Ross as usual I honestly stay away from women who want stuff from me other than sex of cores e lol . a friend of my niece told me That she went to bars with a T shirt on T shirt said ” Its my birthday buy me a drink” . I never buy drinks or anything else for women with the exception of if its my mothers birthday or something 🙂
She said that T shirt was a good investment be case She got tons of free drinks never so much as had to kiss the guys . To be quite honest she was not all that good looking either . Think their are a lot of men out their who need your info .You should advertise in nightclub washrooms. Oh wait no the night clubs would not let you guys would be going home with women without spending $ on booze you would kill their business lol 🙂
Great that you are using the material with success.
I’m happy to give away MASSIVE stuff for free, just to prove in this world of fakers that I am the REAL DEAL.
So tell us how it has worked for you; what specific techniques and understandings have you been applying?
Even better: get on Youtube and record a video. Send me the embed code and I’ll put it right here on the blog!
“Get me as your expert teacher, coach and guide for just $1:
Nice to see the videos back up. Hope to see more in the future.
Does someone know when Ross Jeffries come to Europe ? I’m from Belgium. I would like to assist to one of his seminar.
Hey guys (and RJ)
I haven’t bought the 3.0 yet, and one of my friends would like to know which one of the SS is the best. Because I haven’t got the 3.0 I can’t compare, so is there anyone who can help me giving my friend the right answer? Do he need both, or is the home study course enough? (it worked for me :))