Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training,
We’ve been following the experiences of my student, and so far it’s been an oft-told story…
… at least one that’s oft-told among my students.
Boy meets Girl.
Boy Sarges on Girl and gets her excited about exploring new worlds without resorting to bullying, begging, buying, BS, or booze (or biceps) or getting stuck in the “friend” trap.
Girl puts up resistance just when Boy thinks he’s about to score big. Boy confidently and unflinchingly appeals to her vibe and overcomes Girl’s resistance and they’re off to the races.
Well: I’m pleased to report this story has a happy ending and they lived happily ever after.
Part 3: (Inner) Game On!
From that moment, their subsequent dates went GREAT. They had a great time. She was happy with him because he was always doing different and unusual things (well, unusual because she was used to dealing with AFCs). In doing so he adhered to the principle, “Leave her better than you found her.” He was happy because he was managing a fruitful relationship for the first time in his life.
The relationship is now over, but my student has great memories that he can appeal to every time he needs a positive feeling or “vibe” in his girl-getting game. As a result of the experience, he’s no longer afraid of exploring his feelings and letting himself live every second without dreading the uncertainty of what’s coming next.
Now, as we wrap up here, I want to focus on a few key points.
1) Notice that he didn’t say anything about “dates” until AFTER they slept together. He “met” her several times, but he adhered to my teaching: “Dating is what you do with women you’re already sleeping with.” By avoiding the “dating” rituals he actually INCREASED the odds she would become his girlfriend.
2) I said earlier they lived happily ever after. I did NOT say they lived happily ever after TOGETHER. It doesn’t always work out quite that way, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t work out.
Remember: when you interact with a woman, your goal is not to succeed with her, but to hone and strengthen your girl-getting skills that will lead to success with many other women.
3) That said, if this particular woman turns out to be “the one”, then good on both of you! If not, the odds just went WAY up that you’ll succeed more often with more women… and that you WILL find “the one” much sooner.
Either way, it sure beats a poke in the eye!
Much peace and many more pieces,
P.S. Life is fine when you have an effective, sure way to learn from every situation with women, so you develop a “stealth charisma” that’s subtly attractive, completely undetectable, and utterly independent of any external validation from anyone. Click here to learn how to get it.