Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
It is the opinion of many men, that women, by and large, are crazy.
I do not share that opinion at all.
For the most part, most women I’ve met and been with have been pretty sane and healthy, and maybe just a bit nutty enough to be interesting (as I myself have been described).
But one of the more common complaints I get from students is something along the lines of, “Why do I only seem to attract the crazy ones?”
For example, the other day, one of my students who is a member of my exclusive clients-only discussion group, for owners of my Home Study Course, posted a story about a young woman who he had been chatting up.
It seems this young lady had been discussing how she wanted to lose her virginity but also seemed to be quite afraid of men.
How did she let my student know about her fear?
Well, she invited him back to her dorm room to get some help filling in some school related paperwork. But as they were headed there she said, “I just want you to know I keep a really large switchblade in my room that I always show to guys. So please don’t be scared of my knife-it’s normal to keep one when you’ve been abused as a child, right?”
I kid you not.
Now, I have nothing but sympathy for any human who has been abused. But it isn’t this guy’s job (or yours) to do what I call “emotional dentistry”-if a woman is already sexually hung up or emotionally shut-down, trying to get past all that and only after that, trying to get her attracted to you is like pulling teeth. Just too much damn work and not your job.
The answer to “why do I keep attracting the crazy ones?” is, “because up until now, you thought that was your job and that the crazy ones were all there were”.
With the tools and methods of Speed Seduction® you can screen for and attract the women who already love sex, love intimacy and love men.
It beats the hell out of knife-wielding co-ed teenaged-virgins…although on second thought that sounds kinda hot.
Piece and peace,
It’s about time someone said something about Leykis. I think it’s apparent Leykis just needs a hug.
Anyways, he does have many valid points. The drawback here, is he doesn’t provide solutions. A few of my friends listen to him religiously, and I’ve watched their situation with women progress from bad to worse.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan myself. But one needs to step back sometimes and just realize that Leykis 101 is just pure entertainment.
You said it many many times: we see the world thru our beliefs. I specially like the ” glasses dipped into crap” example