Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
The other night, I went to a film release party in Hollywood.

(yeah I know, but still)
My friend said, “RJ, I know you don’t like loud, smoke filled places. But this will be filled with young pussy.”
Well, never let it be said that I am not one to take that kind of bait.
Anyway, I’m coming out of the men’s room after draining the dragon, when this young girl(maybe 20?) says to me. “Do you know where the party is? This guy was supposed to meet me.”
I said, “No….but I notice you are doing a self-comforting gesture. You are rubbing your forearm while you talk to me. Are you upset?”
She responds, thusly, “Well, he’s a producer who can really help with my career. But now he’s cut me off on Facebook when I asked him to introduce me to some directors who might be here and he’s not responding to my text.”
I said, “Well, maybe he gets that you only care about yourself, are totally self-absorbed, and lost in the sauce of trying to get famous.”
Her lower lip trembles and she says, “I don’t think I want to talk to you anymore!”
And I Burst Out Laughing In Her Face
Was I being mean?
Nah; I was just genuinely finding it funny that she thought her expression of disinterest in me was somehow going to hurt me.
It wasn’t rejection. It was just retarded.
- Forget wanna be actresses and other kind of self-absorbed women.
- If a chance occurs to tell her what a dip-shit she is, in a kind way, GO FOR IT.
- Laugh in the face of her “rejection” and you take away her power entirely.
Peace, piece, and avoid would-be actresses like the plague,
P.S. As you move through the world, you might find that bite-sized mini-lessons on specific situations with women, on-tap 24/7/365 (366 on leap-into-her-bed year), give you the poonani-pulling power-boost you need.
That’s the Secret Training Collection – get in there right now!
Not many actors/actresses in my neck of the desert.
In so far as how women “react” to you, I am starting to study the philosopher Alan Watts and his Zen perspective, way ahead of his time. Not acknowledging the societal and self inflicted restrictions in life, you can obtain so much more. Of course the ole Rick H response can work wonders as well
Wow! I’d like to do that too…a girl tried to use me to reach her goal.
I actually don’t see the fun in anyone anywhere being underpaid. I mean what’s funny about that?
Of course using people is never cool, whether it’s using people to further your career as an aspiring actress, or whether it’s using people to inflate your own ego and trying to impress others to make the point that you’re such a great seduction specialist.
@Alrick Was that what I was doing? Just teaching by sharing an experience. But think what you want.
PS: Google a joke called “The Aristocrats”. It’s about you and your family. 🙂
ka-denggggg…. just looked up ‘The Aristocrats’… hehe.
1-0 for Ross, I would say 😉
get a life, dude. Have you never had these patronising women that think the sun shines out of their arse? It simply serves them right to know that not every man thinks they’re the queen of Sheba.
After all, they could also just be friendly, no? takes about the same effort.
Hmmm. I don’t know Ross but to me it sounds like a lost opportunity to say something like “Nevermind that guy, I happen to be a director working on a project you might be perfect for would you like to audition for it?” Because face it what 20 year old girl isn’t a self absorbed dip shit? If you really want to get some use the fake ego and stupidity to your advantage.
@Tom That’s crossing the line into lying; misrepresenting facts. I don’t do that.
After reading this, it made me think of many of the self-absorbed rich girls on my campus. So i thought of a kind of screen pattern. very brief, but I think it will tell me right away if they are game or not.
“You know, we could talk about our majors and all of that, but I’d rather not. I’d much rather hear you describe an experience you’ve had or one you would like to have. I find that if I’m gonna get to know someone, it tells me so much more. Because I find that inside your mind, as you really start to feel and explore those feelings, you realize there’s a new direction to be taken, one that’s right in front of you, and that’s much more exciting and fascinating than hearing me explain my choice of major. So tell me, what’s an experience you would really like to have, and what would it feel like to have that experience?”
Tell me what you think Ross!
Good job Ross! Who cares about these girls who are booring and have louse attitude anyway? No one I’d like to hang out with. That said I could bang a rude very attractive girl, but not hanging out…
Hello Ross, and thanks for sharing this experience (got me laughing too). although it’s obvious that this girl is kind of a dip-shit (fretting all over that director not responding to her texts, and being self-absorbed) I disagree with the fact that someone should avoid ALL wanabee actresses like the plague. Let me also share a little story: once, I dated a girl whose best friend (which I was introduced to) ‘s dream was to be an actress. I got to know her, and I was feeling like she was a really considerate person. Later, a fact happened that confirmed it: she got to know some director too, but after some time, he told her that unfortunately, they didn’t have any opportunities that she could take advantage of, and it would certainly won’t be the case in the future either. Although she was disappointed, her answer was “I see. I understand. Thank you for your efforts, your time and every thing else, I’m really grateful for it. Good bye and good luck to all of us, and let’s keep in touch”!
At the time, she was confiding in me and my girlfriend (I became close friends with her quicly) and I asked: “why keep in touch? He clearly said there won’t be any chances in the future!” and she answered “It’s not for that, I just want to keep in touch because I appreciate him as a person, and he has done a lot for me. Keeping him informed about how I progress is just a small way of retribution and gratefulness, it’s the least I could do”.
Wow, talk about some particular human subspecies. That’s what she did, while exploring other options (she gave up on that director as someone who could help), and one day, that same guy called her for an unexpected chance, and that marked her debut!
What impressed me about this girl was the fact that she always consciously tried to see people as human beings first and foremost. I saw her do that with a lot of people, who were very different from each other: some had some power and influence, and others nothing. It didn’t matter to her at all.
Did she use some kind of “reverse psychology” manipulation, disguising as kindness? I don’t think so. First, I became close enough to her to confide in me and to confess even about the most difficult things to admit. Second, I saw her with my two eyes in a lot of situations, and my initial gut feeling was always here, and it doesn’t lie. The number of people who gave me that feeling was extremely small, in my whole life.
Sorry for the lengthy comment, I just wanted to bring your attention (and of other readers of your website) that it might be better not to exclude some “categories”, and judge them on a case by case basis. After all, wouldn’t you be banging your head against a wall in regret if you discover you dismissed a hot cutie, with awesome human qualities, just because she’s an aspiring actress or something else? Have an awesome day!
P.S: sorry if my english sounds weird or awkward sometimes, I’m a foreigner.
“Lost in the sauce”? LOL! Is that a saying or something that just came out on the spot as a free-form meaning container for the totality of your message to her?
Hi, I have to agree with Zoubair. Because, there are selfish people in every walk in life and people only want to know you when they want something. That’s the way it works. Except some of us have a compassionate vibe that isn’t fake, it is a genuine diplomatic skill that makes dealing with others enjoyable. It doesn’t take much to achieve, just a quick realistic pre thought and some effort to have some consideration. A dip shit could do it. However, I wouldn’t usually give that girl the effort to even laugh in her face. X
@Bushy It took zero effort. Ya’ll think this was a tactic; no it was a spontaneous response. I thought and found her ridiculous.
This is a lose-lose negotiation, granted you understood that specific ambition, use it at your advantage and get what you want sounds naif? Are you becoming gay?
you said THE truth, but MY truth would have been “I feel that you want to be-come like an actress, mmm….”
Maybe this is the reason why you get laid more often than me (not so difficult…) even if I’m better than you 🙂
^ wtf is this guy talking about.
No, your truth that would not have been that. You would have wanted her regardless of what she was like. I think you’re still in the validation and scarcity mindset.
I saw it as a win-win situation.
Ross’ win : he got a good laugh and some satisfaction out of it, he saw a girl in distress and actually cared, but she was indeed lost in the sauce.
the girl’s win : she got a lesson that could help shape her life by not being so shallow.
she didn’t understand yet, but some day she will.
Thank you for your opinion I appreciate it, it’s really interesting for me, I want to find out what are my limitations to overcome them. Validation and scarcity are widespread inside the community, but unfortunately isn’t my case.
Simply I can find something that I like in everyone, a power-belief that I modeled is “I can find something valuable in anyone”. It’s a good way to be truly humble and connect with people. Actually it’s a vibe of acceptance and validation.
>”I can find something I like in everyone”
That’s not a power belief. That’s scarcity incarnate.
There are other principles that make the system of equations work toward happiness: the illusion of separation from inside and outside and the possibility of fulfilling pleasure in the present.
@AM Bite me.
I wouldn’t take it as her rejecting you. I see more as you telling her the harsh truth & her not being able to handle it hence why she walked away.
@Dre That’s my point: I didn’t see rejection. I saw her acting like an idiot.
So you’re saying she was a pretty good actor, then?
😀 😀 😀
People “network” all the time, what this girl was doing was no different than what career minded people do in more “boring” professions. When I worked in that field (not as an actor) I met people who did help me out, a person needs to be subtle however.
At worst, I would feel sorry for her for buying into a very nasty business filled with very nasty people which produces products that neither entertain, enrich or improve peoples lives in any way. It’s real role is more like propaganda and to make sure people don’t see beyond the surface, promoting stereotypes, clichés and the “cultural status quo” ……in other words , to keep people in the “first level of the mind”.
@Harry I appreciate your perspective; what’s absent here is the ability to have heard her tone, which was simply, laughable. My laughing wasn’t a calculated tactic, but a spontaneous response.
First, I love you Ross, your material is so brilliant and incredible, and despite not being very good at this, and being the kind of person who probably needs professional help ;p, I have gotten laid with SS, YOU have gotten me laid . . . with a Broadway actress, no joke, like I have struggled with the material and mostly myself for a long time (still do ;p), but it went like a dream, great 2 month affair while she was here, open relationship, still in touch, etc. . . . everything I wanted SS to do for me. . . Now I’m scared, the whole time I thought this was all about “leaving the campsite better then we found it” getting what we want by honoring and respecting women, without supplicating or being jerks. Of coarse they do have to respect you too, this is all a 2 way street sure, but If I discover the person is as shallow as this girl was, and yes your analysis is spot on, I work in the industry and you were right to avoid her, but aren’t there better ways for exiting stage left? Had enough time with her been spent that verbally slapping her for being self centered was merited? Being aware that a woman’s initial response is only a result of what is currently on her mind is a tenant of SS. This kind of sounds like the path to the dark side, towards negging and back handed compliments, towards being mean? I don’t disagree that we should call women on their shit (and you have givin us great, respectfull, and interesting tools to do so), but when there is nothing at stake, why not just go talk to that other babe 50 feet northwest of where your standing, and leave that one in her sand box? O don’t worry I still love you Ross and bow to your genius, but I hope you stay righteous man, be our Muad’Dib. . . WWMD wait. . . WWMDD (Double D nice ;p
@DJuhn I appreciate your perspective. All of you guys need to understand that it wasn’t a mean laugh; I just found her funny, that is her lack of insight into other’s behavior and her assumption that **I** wanted to keep talking to HER after she displayed that kind of attitude and behavior.
Ross love your moves its like I can have her but (confiding in you – telling her story to you) but no you toss that one back, deciding to be clear. Yeh I know some woman are not worth it. .Its almost as if she’s a bit adolescent. But I suspect her impression of you as a movie producer is not a bad thing ?