Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
It is an odd reality that when you first start learning to get good with women, you may wind up feeling even more frustrated and confused than before you started.
The reason is pretty easy to understand: in the beginning, when you don’t know what to do, at least you are very clear about getting nowhere. You may be frustrated as hell with your situation, but at least you don’t have to spend time figuring out what almost worked.
However, when you start getting ok, even pretty good at this game, you start finding yourself in situations that you could only dream about before. But you may be still lacking one or more crucial skill sets or moves to close the deal.
Now, women are wanting to spend time with you. Now, you do get them to make out with you. Now, you may actually get them half-naked on your bed.
But , as I said, for some reason you still don’t close the deal.
Believe me, I have been there. When I first was learning and developing Speed Seduction®, I didn’t fully understand the principles or how I was doing what I was doing. And I had many situations where I appeared to get very close to closing the deal with some juicy, amazing woman, and then….
…..It Didn’t Happen And I Never Heard From Her Again!
In fact, to be truthful, I can remember many times literally crying with frustration. And I’m not exaggerating this or making it up.
So the solution is being able to develop a simple meditation practice that allows you to:
1. Sit with the confusion and frustration for a short while, without having to try to get out of it. Being ok with not knowing, and even confusion, is actually the start of clarity.
2. Create a relaxed, altered state, where you can see clearly what you could have done differently, what you did correctly, and visualize doing it right the next time.
As you are there reading this, does that make sense?
These two skill sets, even though they are not exciting or dramatic, are crucial to your leap-frogging over stuck points and enjoying profound breakthroughs with very lovely ladies.
You can learn exactly how to do this with my Nail Your Inner Game program. Everything you need to finally take the confusion and frustration out of the learning, so you really can reach your goals with women is right here.
Peace and piece,
P.S. This really is crucial to learning any system of “game” “pick up” or seduction. I don’t care, for the sake of this discussion, whose system you use. Go here now and check out your Nail Your Inner Game Program and give yourself the gift of friction free seduction success.
Good. Ken, it’s important to understand how a tool works, and that relies on knowing what it is designed to do.
Hope you are well, I think I owe you a phone call. I care what happens.
Paul, what do you think about sarging women who are control freaks? Would you avoid them altogether or does their desire to be in control provide you with an additional opportunity in some way?