Dear Seeker of Success,
In this video, we put the Speed in Speed Seduction® – that is, helping you screen to find the best women for YOU, faster.
(Be sure to click the “Follow” button on my Facebook and start seeing these live!)
P.S. Getting the full picture – all the way from “hi there” to “IT’S ON” – is a simple matter of clicking here and following the steps.
When I first saw the preview image for this video.. I thought to myself “Oh wow, what happend to him in the left eye?” … but as soon as you started talking I was literally glewed to the screen.
This got me to realize what you are always saying about how first impression means nothing and how its all about the communication, vibe, and content.
Bingo! Amazing how we draw our own lessons based on where we are, in that moment.
Honored to be of service.
In December 2013, I suffered a heart attack. I’ve wondered if I also had a stroke, either at the same time or about the same time. Since then I’ve had that thing with my eye.