Dear Seeker of Success,
God, I love this job.
The other day, I shared with you the letter from a student in Greece who was concerned that some of the Speed Seduction® patterns and techniques might not work on Greek women because of the difference in how the Greek language works.
I explained to him that the key is to use your words to capture and lead a woman’s imagination and that it doesn’t matter if that woman comes from Athens or Atlanta, Santiago or Shanghai, Chicago or Cape Town.
Women all over the world, want the same fundamental basic emotions and feelings.
Now, just to show you how it is your attitude that helps make the tools work better, let me share with you another scenario.
This one is from a student in South Korea who mastered Speed Seduction® quite suck-sex-fully on women who barely “speekee de Englees”.
He Made The Most Interesting Discovery On This Topic
That I Had Seen In Many Years…
He is an American who lived in South Korea for over 4 years and has used Speed Seduction® on women who speak English naturally, as well as those who have had to learn it.
(Get the difference?)
He tells me,
“If I had to choose who to Sarge between the two, I would choose those who have had to learn to speak English, not those who speak it naturally.”
Well for one, the ones who have more recently learned English have to LITERALLY hang on every word and focus in more and more on what you are saying (just to understand everything correctly you are saying, and then process it.
Also, the language structure of SS is something they normally haven’t encountered.
So they are learning a new style of speaking and so therefore
They Are Automatically Very Interested
In What And How You Are Saying It –
They Don’t Think You Are Manipulating Them…
Also bear in mind, they sometimes don’t get the metaphors.
Is this a bad thing?
Hell no.
What they do is ask you (because they want to learn from you [heh heh]) “what does that mean?”
Not only does their interest amplify but also it gives you further opportunities to use more descriptive languaging and amplify some more.
Not only that, but consider this.
If they don’t understand all the words, they WILL understand the frame and theme…
The student tells me that many times he has no idea what he said to cause their overly sexual behavior towards him because they may have only understood half the words,
But then he figured out they substituted their own internal processes in the language gaps and THEY JUST RAN WITH IT!
Here’s the thing: girls are very interested in mysteriously exotic things they have not or would like to explore more.
Though it may not seem so, you are exotic to those who speak a different language than yours, regardless of your native tongue.
So if you find yourself in another country, just stay the course.
P.S. There’s no better set of tools to master these concepts and fearless step right through those language barriers and achieve GLOBAL Vaginal Victory than Rapid and Total Success With Women, available when you click here.