Dear Speed Seduction® Student,
If you’ve ever wondered why you ought to come to a Speed Seduction® live event (, check out this testimonial I just got today.
It is unedited, and I received it just as I print it here for you to read and enjoy.
Dear Ross,
I wanted to let you know how I’m getting on with SS.. it’s just awesome. I’m 44 and first came across your material about 18 months ago after which I gradually started getting familiar with the concept of patterns. Then I attended your London seminar in August 2010 which was dynamite. Since then I joined your coaching program and downloaded all the vids and ama calls.
Before I could work through all of the material I tried out a few things with incredible success. The affirmations, cube and twin brothers were enough to bed a 30 yo old friend of a friend on a business trip to Singapore who I ended up spending the week with after a group night out led to coffee at her place at her invitation. Saw her again in London. Then I went to New York in November on a personal trip and on the first day met a gorgeous 22 yo modern dancer waiting for the subway on the way home at night. That was an observation followed by a situational put on and then straight into eliciting values about her dancing passion which got her really animated. We got on the subway together and she suggested we get beers from a deli somewhere…and I ended up spending a week at her place (cancelled my hotel after 2 days). I spent many years in New York and never achieved something like that while feeling so in control.
After getting back to London I whizzed through the rest of the vids and ama calls and patterns in ‘total immersion’ and plan to start going out sarging regularly to practice approaches, commands, suggestions etc. to master the material. I’ve had some fun cards made up with my number. Random approaches have been great like a 20 yo Swedish hb10+ on the tube, a 30 yo very pretty Asian chick on the tube, various girls at bars, a gorgeous girl I met at a seminar who gave me her card after after asking about her ideal vacation and doing a demo, even though she has her ‘horse circling her cube’.
While I’ve always been generally comfortable with women I know it’s your inner game stuff and fun patterns which allow me to have ‘game’, balance and choice when it comes to women now. As an example of the old me, earlier this year I met a really cute 30 yo Russian girl in Moscow but I had no game except indifference to the outcome and it took me 5-6 meet ups including numerous walks in the park, cocktails and two dinners to get intimate in London (although it was two weeks of crazy hot stuff). Now I know I could have bypassed all of that.
To say I’m super excited about 2011 would be a gross understatement. Your program is also helping me in business big time but that’s another story. I admire the fact that you have so much passion for your work, and that your material is so powerful, precise and consistent. There’s no question Ross you are truly inspirational, an incredible teacher and the master!
Best regards and Happy New Year.
AzMan10, London 27 Dec 2010
If you are interested in learning how you can get the same great results for 2011, check out my seminar schedule here:
Peace, piece, and mucho moist-pink to you in 2011!
P.S. Once again, the link to check is here: