Dear Seeker of Success,
The other day something happened to me that would have knocked an amateur on his ass.

I gotta admit, it bugged me for all of, oh, let’s say, 2 whole seconds.
But back when I was an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump), it would have…
…Sank Me Into Despair For Weeks
Here’s the scoop:
The other day, I’m strolling through my lovely neighborhood, Little Italy, a great part of San Diego.
I’m in one of those “let’s make everyone feel a bit of joy today” moods.
So I pick out a rolly-polly porky pie of a lass and give her a big smile.
I say, “Hello, lovely human” in my most pleasant voice.
How did this shining example of porcine non-pulchritude (ugly/fat) respond?
Did she smile?
Did she blush?
Did she say “thank you”?

She promptly told me to…
(If you don’t know what that stands for, look it up in the Urban Dictionary.)
Anyhow, I was a bit taken aback.
I, the master of muff, the sultan of slit, got shut down by a hog molly.
But only for, like, 2 seconds – I wasn’t more affected by this than if, say, some random gave me a dirty look passing me in the street – here one second, gone the next.
This is actually testament to the power of Speed Seduction® when it comes to dealing with all women, pleasant ones as well as mean ones.
Now here are the important lessons:
- When it comes to pick up, you have to be prepared for any response.
- You can never, EVER predict what type of woman will go for what type of guy, so assume you’ll win and be unattached to the outcome.
- They can do whatever they want: you decide where your energy goes.
Let me know what you think of this lesson by posting a comment below.
P.S. Your last opportunity to learn from me live in London for at least a year is coming up.
You can find out more here – but don’t be a master-waiter.
so how do we control our energy??
I used one of your approaches at the mall over lunch today. She had no f’ng clue what I was saying. It’s OK. It still helps me get over the adrenalin poisoning to just keep doing it until it isn’t a novel event anymore. That’s all the more inner game processing I’m doing at this point.
Interested in the girl, invested in the results. Keep investing. It will pay off.
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugliness goes straight thru to the bone
Sad but true
Hello Ross, with 16 I read my first pick up book. I was good with women up untill I read the book and got into the community. NOW Im 29. I lost 13 Years of my life trying to figuring out why pick up does not work for me. Im totally pissed. Now Im blaming you. You got the shit rolling back in the early 90. You are the grandfather. Thats why I say come over and fucking show me how it works.
Some guys lose more than 13 years. Some lose 31 years. Some lose their entire lives. My mission is to stop the loss. Come to Miami on Match 19 & 20 and I’ll show you how it works. Seriously. I’ll do trance-formational changework with you right in the room. We’ll get you on the path to moist pink abundance.