Dear Seeker Of Success,
When it comes to success with pulling the pink, you had better not be overly sloppy with your seconds.
In fact, you had better be neat with your seconds.
Now, in case you think I’m just buzzing about like a bumblebee on crack, here’s what I really mean:
A huge factor of your success with women has to do with understanding the timing of the situation, and being able to
Act In The Present Moment,
Without Hesitation
Are you wasting precious seconds hesitating to talk to her by trying to figure out the exact thing to say?
Once those precious seconds are gone, do you kick yourself for not stepping up to the plate and laughing in the face of risk? Do you regret missing the moment of offering up your vulnerability to her while not caring what she has to say?
This understanding of the importance of seizing the moment (instead of seizing UP in the moment) and being able to let go of the need to know is crucial throughout your Sarge.
When I had my heart attack back this past December, it really made me realize how close I came to punching the clock, and how, each and every moment, we are one heartbeat away from being taken out of the game.
You can waste your precious seconds or you can step up and win.
It’s all up to you.
You ‘ll find the Holy Grail that will teach all of you this right here:
They say cowards give up many times, brave men (and their exploits) live in eternity 😉
I did this other day, saw 2 hotties in a bar sitting and drinking…did not approach…THEN two guys sitting at the opposite end of the bar bought these girls a drink and each guy picked his women and began talking with her…just average guys were not doing anything fancy..was angry with myself
can’t wait until rj does his annual V-day bashing…hope he comes up with some new raw rage against that insidious holiday
“When I had my heart attack ” wow you need to look after yourself, without you we are lost!
Take care,