Dear Seeker of Success,
The other day I got a phone call from a very successful member of my Elite $15,000 a month coaching program to schedule his private weekend with me.
Now, while totally protecting this guy’s privacy, let me tell you a few things you have to know:
This guy is an entrepreneur in his late 40’s who has done pretty damn well for himself in life.
He put himself through graduate school.
He built a business from scratch, dealing with all the ups and downs and now, he’s pretty financially successful.
He even(gulp) had a pretty good marriage for a while but….
….He Never Got This “Getting Women”
Area Of His Life Handled!
He’s no “loser”.
He isn’t some young kid in his 20’s running around bars and he doesn’t want to wear fuzzy hats, high heels and insult women.
He just wants to get the high quality, great looking women who he can actually love and respect.
(He actually wants to eventually get married again; I tried talking him out of that but he won’t budge.)
Anyway, this guy is coming to my London seminar, July 30th and 31st.
He’s made me swear I will NOT identify him.
He may just talk to you on his own, during a break and let you know it’s him that I’m writing about.
But the important thing is this:
If you are anything at all like him in terms of your age, your success in life, and your desire to actually respect yourself and the women you desire and deserve, then Speed Seduction® is the approach for you.
No fuzzy hats.
No insulting women.
No trolling in bars and clubs, feeling out of place and wondering “What the f*ck am I doing here?”.
Just everything and anything you need to finally get this area of your otherwise successful life handled.
P.S. Interesting fact, based on some intense research I have been doing; nearly 80% of my live seminar attendees over the past 20 plus years have been professionals with graduate degrees or entrepreneurs with their own business, usually in their 30’s to late 50’s.
(My record is a guy who was almost 70!).
You dudes in your 20’s: I hate you for being so young and on the other hand, I’m devoted to helping you enjoy all the years of fun with women that I never got to have. So your success is my success.