Sun, Feb 23, 2025
Acceptance Confidence And The Power Of Screwing Up
Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Ok. What if you DO make an a$$ of yourself in front of a woman? What if you Sarge but stumble on your lines? What if your “friend” that you’re trying to move from buddy to bedmate calls you on it? What if…what if… So what? What is the […]
3 Truths That Get You Immediate, Easy, Natural Confidence With Women... NOW!
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Half of Speed Seduction® is the language techniques that call a woman’s deepest feelings and emotions to the surface, and, within minutes, link those super-charged positive feelings to you so she… …Is Driven To Want You Like A Bear To A Picnic! But the other half are the incredible and very […]
How To "Lock-In" Lasting Confidence With Women!
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Over the years, I’ve had a chance to look at what really makes permanent, large, personal change possible. I’ve watched thousands of guys use my methods to go very rapidly from no confidence with women at all, to ease, power, grace and fun with all the women they could possibly desire. […]
Non-Sargy Saturday Afternoon Sit-Around?
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, If you’re sitting there today, on Saturday afternoon, trying to get motor-vated to take on the world with all your great knowledge about women, yet finding yourself worried you’ll draw a blank when you’re face-to-face with a woman, this one’s for you. Could it be coming from within your overall personality? […]