Mon, Feb 24, 2025
Meet 10 Women In 48 Hrs, Guaranteed, With The $500 To A Shit Bum Method!
Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, I am absolutely fed up with students who are whining that they still can’t get themselves talking to women. So I’ve come up with a method guaranteed(and I mean on my life, GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED) to get you up off your wussy ass and meeting women. The method cannot fail. You will talk […]
How To Destroy Approach Anxiety And Approach Women With Ease
[youtube][/youtube] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, In this video(which is #3 of 10 in my Youtube  Beyond Dating Tips Playlist) I discuss the nature of approach anxiety-what it really is-and how to destroy it so you can enjoy the ability to approach and pick-up(and seduce) hot women with ease. I have a radically and fundamentally different […]
RJ Replay: Destroying Approach Anxiety Video Broadcast Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, As you know, once a month, as a service to the seduction/pick up community, I do a live video broadcast seminar on the topics you guys vote to have me discuss. This recording is from yesterday’s live broadcast, and the subject is destroying approach anxiety. Enjoy and comment below. Peace […]
Next Free, Live Video Ustream Seminar: Destroying Approach Anxiety
Dear Speed Seduction(R) Fans, I’ll be doing my next monthly free 45 minute live video broadcast seminar on this Saturday, at 11AM Pacific time. We’ll do 45 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of live questions and answers. The topic? Destroying Approach Anxiety Date: Saturday, May 16th Time: 11 AM Pacific Go here at that […]