Wed, Jan 22, 2025
Meeting And Approaching Women: Weird Or Uncomfortable
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Does it feel weird or uncomfortable, meeting and approaching women you find attractive? Then stop it. No, don’t stop meeting and approaching women.
Should You Go For Older Women Or Younger Women?
Dear Seeker of Success, A recent coaching call with a student revealed how pervasively the Romance Racketeers have spoiled the game for smart men everywhere. This student is 29 years old. He asked two questions: “Should I pursue older women or younger women?” “Where would I find older women, or younger women?” Many smart men […]
Can't Be Disciplined?  Be Smart.
Dear Seeker of Success, My teacher, Shinzen Young, said, “If you can’t be disciplined, be smart.” If you know you can’t be disciplined to do a practice, commit yourself in some other way. Let me give you an example. 
The "Unexpected" That Gets You More
Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Here’s a pick-up technique that I’ve seen done so many times that if I had a dollar for every time this happened, right in front of my eyes… …I’d never have to work another minute in my life even if I spent it frivolously. Man approaches woman.  Man takes […]