Boyfriend Destroyer And The Kingdom Of Sarge
Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, I’ve dealt with the ethics of boyfriend destroying.  Today, I am going to share an actual Sarge report from a student who successfully used this technique.  Stay with me for a moment as I lay it out for you. There’s a scintillatingly hot clerk at his local convenience store.  […]
"My Boyfriend, She Cried ... Until I Put ON My Clothes!"
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the ideas I keep returning to is this: “I seldom take a woman’s first response to me as written in stone. It is almost always just a reflection of what she is thinking, feeling or believing in that moment, and almost always subject to change.” Now, this idea is […]
Can A "Bit More" Be All The Extra You Need?
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A student of mine shared with me a situation he was in with an HB9 he was Sarging.  He found she had many qualities that appealed to him.  The “diamond in the rough”, the “needle in the haystack.” One thing:  she had a ‘borefriend’ and, so she claimed, she had never […]
You See A Hot Girl, But What About Those Guys?
Dear Seeker of Success, Seems that our post on the failure vibe that stifles a man’s girl-getting game from the inside really hit a nerve. To respond to several of you who wrote with substantially the same question – what to do when it seems like every woman you see is with a man or […]