These Quick Conversation Hacks Open Her Up To Explore
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Show of hands: who loves it when someone plays “20 questions” with you, just asking question after question after question? Do you feel your head already expanding, preparing to explode? Does it remind you of those annoying conversations interrogations at family reunions with your Great-Aunt Twice-Removed Whatshername, pelting you with question […]
"...Then You're Going To Buy Me Dinner"
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Bring some humor into your Sarge. Don’t give a f@@k what happens. Just push to see how far you can take it. I met this woman at this international event of expatriates now living in the United States.
Trance Hijacking: Word-For-Word Language Pattern Script
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Earlier we covered trance hijacking and how to use this to Sargily tap into a woman’s desires. We left off at the point where I wanted the definition to sink in for a bit. Now, the wording you can use. Let’s jump in with a bang:
New Directions With A Woman (Conversation-Wise)
Dear Seeker of Success, Once you start conversation with a woman, you must keep it interesting by changing things up. There’s a couple basic directions you can go. In this short video clip I explain what typically works for me: [HTML1] Peace, RJ P.S. This is a foundational principle that ties into what you’ll find […]