conversation with women
Dear Seeker Of Success, When it comes to success with pulling the pink, you had better not be overly sloppy with your seconds. In fact, you had better be neat with your seconds. Now, in case you think I’m just buzzing about like a bumblebee on crack, here’s what I really mean:
Dear Seeker of Success, Mastery of “tonality” is only one ingredient of your conversational delivery with women. You need to master something called vocal congruence, as I explain here: [HTML1] Peace, RJ P.S. This is just one of 175+ videos you find inside the Speed Seduction® Secret Training Collection. As in, 0.005% of the videos […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, “Format” is the shape through which you offer your communication. Women come in different shapes and sizes, so you may need to change the shape so she’ll fit. In this short video clip I explain: [HTML1] Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Through 3 days of learning immersion at the June 28-30, […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Picking up right where we left off last week, check out this short video clip and see even more of how I use tonality and body language in patterning with a woman who asks what I do in life: [HTML1] Peace and piece, PR (aka RJ) P.S. We’re now just 15 […]