Sun, Dec 22, 2024
There Are No Logistics Hero Action Figures In The Toy Aisle
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Just the other day a student of mine shared an observation with me. The moment a woman starts with “When are you going to take me out on a date?” or “I want you to wine and dine me” he immediately, instantaneously, inexorably, and irrevocably loses interest in her. From what […]
Low In The Pocket?  You Can Still Light Her Rocket!
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the biggest blocks to mastering the skills and claiming your results with the women you truly desire is just that – having blocks. Maybe you’re overweight and thinking you need to lose a few before women will find you attractive, so you’ve stopped Sarging till you tip the scale […]
The Slippery Slope To Supplication, And How To Not Get Splinters In Your Ass
Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, Recently I received an e-mail from a student who is in a sort of purgatory with a woman he met a few weeks ago. I’ll let him explain it in his own words: Hey Ross, there is this hottie (I’d say about an HB8) who I’ve met up with […]