Sun, Feb 23, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Do you find yourself talking with a woman, and she’ll just look at you and not give any response? Then suddenly, a few minutes or hours or days later, you get a BIG response? Check out this report from a student of mine: This happened in the grocery store. I got […]
Dear Seeker of Success, One of the most frequent questions I get is, “What happens if she x’s when I run a pattern?” X could be “laugh” or “look bored” or whatever “negative” response you might think of. A fundamental principle of any kind of persuasion (and seduction IS a sub-set of persuasion) is, “USE […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, This post may at first appear to be off topic. It’s not. See, I ran into the Starbucks down by the beach for a quick cup of coffee, like I do often coming to/fro my meditation at the beach. As I stepped to the counter to order, a fly or gnat […]
"I'm Confused And In Love With Her"
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, So often, I get email from guys who are stuck on ONE girl. They want to know what to do in their situation to win that ONE girl, without even realizing that there is an entire world filled with awesome, fun women, if they just knew how to reach THEM. Then […]