Sun, Feb 23, 2025
Worthlessness, Shame, And Blasting Through To Your Girl-Getting Game
Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, A lot of smart guys have various areas of life handled – kick-ass job, success in sports and hobbies, exciting lifestyle, awesome car, nice house – even plenty of hot babes swarming about.  But still, something is lurking. Like you’re not “good enough” for whatever it is you really […]
The One "Earthquake" Shift That Resets Your Girl-Getting Foundation
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In an area of life that has been deeply challenging, and where you have experienced a self-reinforcing loop of limiting beliefs, ineffective skills, crappy results and limiting beliefs, there is seldom just one shift that needs to be made. My experience with coaching literally thousands of guys over 20 years to […]
Showing Up Attractive, Part III: The Right Orientation
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In today’s installment I want to talk about the changes in orientation of thinking that are a big part of showing up attractive. As I said last time, learning to have a good relationship with uncertainty is important, and in a sense, that helps in orienting a person toward having a […]
Radar O'Reilly Reaches New Heights With Women!
Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, Fans of the long-running TV show, M*A*S*H, will remember the exciting girl-getting exploits of camp ladies’ man, Corporal Walter Eugene “Radar” O’Reilly. Yes. Really. Radar. The short, nearsighted, naive, teddy-bear-hugging, comic-book-reading, not-all-that-handsome farmboy from Ottumwa, Iowa. Radar. You think I’m kidding? You think I’ve lost it?  Let’s go through the exhibits, […]