inner game
Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, When things don’t quite go your way…when you strike out with every woman you meet today (or all week long), when you feel hurt, it is natural to want to protect yourself. It triggers off a “one-two-three-four” thought process… Why did this happen to me? This is ALWAYS going […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans, I’ve had several students ask me why the following happens: You’ve connected with a woman and brought her to “that place” where she is ready to “go for it.” It started with her giving you a curious “uhhhh, can I help you?” glance when you first approached her, and […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Students, The overwhelming majority of you have responded by saying you want me to discuss my discoveries and thoughts regarding showing up attractive. So here we go with that part of the discussion. I’ll be posting videos as well as written articles and I encourage your feedback. As in my live events, […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, You should check out some reruns of a TV show called ‘NYPD Blue’ For those of you who have not heard of this show (which ran from 1993-2005), the main character was Detective Andy Sipowicz… who, to say the least, was not an AFC in how he did his job. Problem […]