Sat, Mar 15, 2025
Want More Success With Women? Start BELIEVING...
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Do you believe you can have more success with women? Watch the first couple minutes of “Reviewing Your Sarge – How To Build Super-Efficient Skill At Learning And Rocket Up The Learning Curve” – one of the many modules contained within Rapid and Total Success With Women – and see how […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Sometimes being “positive” is not the right way to be, when it comes to women. Now, let me be clear about something-I’m not talking about your attitude. I’m talking about your language. You see, one of the most powerful linguistic tools in existence that can totally blast through a woman’s last […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Who do you think “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is targeted toward – men or women?  How can it help you get laid?  Could you get your dirtiest fantasy fulfilled? Peace, RJ P.S. Rapid and Total Success With Women is a structured, step-by-step, well-organized “roadmap” (including drills and skills […]
Sexualization And Chains Of Commands
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, When setting up chains of commands as part of the sexualization process with women, there are phrases you can use to give commands without saying anything specific. Here’s just one example: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. This is an actual, actionable technique ready for use.  Imagine getting 5-courses-in-one chock full of […]