Mon, Mar 10, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, A student of mine reported in on a recent coaching call with a question about getting laid. (Yeah… I know… calling Speed Seduction® about getting laid? Who’da thunk??!?) Anywho… He’s been seeing her for a couple weeks. He’s 34, she’s 39. She’s never been married. She’s interested in having kids (and […]
Dear Seeker of Success, One of the dumbest mistakes guys can make when they are learning any kind of pick up or seduction is what I call, “The Vending Machine” model. What am I talking about? Simple.
Dear Seeker of Success, When a woman puts physical distance between you two on the couch, or pulls back just when you think you two are close to “it’s on”, it could be a couple different things. Watch this “Ross Plays With Girls” demo where I explain (this is inside the “New Playing Field” video […]
Dear Seeker of Success, A major component of sexual aggression mastery, which we cover inside Rapid and Total Success With Women, deals with how to powerfully handle a woman’s last-minute resistance (LMR). But what really causes LMR? Peace, RJ P.S. How do you close the gap between “arousal” and “it’s on”?  All shall be revealed […]