Does She Really Want To "C**t-trol" You?
Dear Speed Seducers, One of the things that never ceases to amuse me is how women attempt to exert control that they don’t even really want. Too often, as budding master seducers, we take women’s attempts to control us at face value and winding up blocking our own cocks. Example: you are making out and […]
Last Minute Resistance: Two Creative Ways To Overcome It
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, With guys, the distance from “horny” to “hop on my banana, babe” is about 0.4727253 seconds.  But with women, there’s a BIG gap between “arousal” and “It’s On.” Here are two creative ways to fill her gap and overcome her resistance: [HTML1] Peace and piece, RJ P.S. What you just watched […]
Dissipate Her Last Minute Resistance To Fulfilling Your Fantasy
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, It’s a fact and it won’t change: women often put up resistance at the last moment, just when you thought it was on. You’ve done everything right. She SEEMED hot and bothered and ready. She probably was, too.  But then something happened. And it really sucks when she was JUST about […]
"My Boyfriend, She Cried ... Until I Put ON My Clothes!"
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the ideas I keep returning to is this: “I seldom take a woman’s first response to me as written in stone. It is almost always just a reflection of what she is thinking, feeling or believing in that moment, and almost always subject to change.” Now, this idea is […]