Seduction Self-Mastery Element #2: Extraction Confidence
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Recently we covered the importance of being able to identify the meaning of what you’re doing in the first place. Once you have that nailed, the next is developing what’s known as “extraction confidence”. This simply means:
Seduction Self-Mastery Element #1: Define The Meaning
Dear Seeker of Success, In designing and preparing the New Code, I foraged through stacks and stacks of notes and things I’ve been writing to myself. Some elements of this I’ve shared already; but there are five elements of seduction self-mastery that will boost your girl-getting game right away. What is it that enables us […]
So You F@@ked Up When You Approached Her?
Dear Seeker of Success, Many smart guys lose momentum on their girl-getting game because they allow their f@@kups on Sarges to block their path to moist pink abundance. After a particular episode is over, they’ll stop and think, “Why didn’t I say this?”  “Why did I do that?” “How could I screw up the goddamn […]
Two Critical Beliefs About Women
Dear Seeker of Success, The way a woman responds to your Sarge can stop you dead in your tracks. OR, with two beliefs in place, you can take a bold step forward, in a new direction, giving her a new choice: [HTML1] Peace, RJ P.S. Nail Your Inner Game is the best, most systematic, fool […]