Nail Your Inner Game
Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, You should check out some reruns of a TV show called ‘NYPD Blue’ For those of you who have not heard of this show (which ran from 1993-2005), the main character was Detective Andy Sipowicz… who, to say the least, was not an AFC in how he did his job. Problem […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Master-In-Training, We’ve been following the experiences of my student, and so far it’s been an oft-told story… … at least one that’s oft-told among my students. Boy meets Girl. Boy Sarges on Girl and gets her excited about exploring new worlds without resorting to bullying, begging, buying, BS, or booze (or biceps) […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, What happens when all of your effort with a woman, or multiple women go to s&$t? The other day, I was doing an interview with an instructor in this field who is one of the few guys I actually respect. (When the interview goes live on his site, I’ll […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, A few days ago here on my blog, I tackled head-on one of the most common objections I hear about Speed Seduction®. That being, some people say that the girl-getting patterns and phrases I teach smart guys to use after approaching a woman are so obvious that she’ll see […]