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[HTML1] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Fans, Ok. Here is part 5 of the video series we started last week on Cultivating Consciousness to more than double your dating success, and go way beyond dating tips for men, dating advice for men etc etc. Enjoy. Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Did you know that you can check […]
[HTML1] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, Well, as promised, here it is. Please give me your comments below, or on YouTube as a video response. RJ P.S. If you are a paying customer, watch your email tomorrow. I’ve got a special free event for you coming up this Saturday. If you aren’t a paying customer(and like […]
Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, If you haven’t yet seen the new movie Watchmen, based on the 1986 comic series by Alan Moore, get up off your ass and see it. Why? Well, not only is it a pretty faithful movie adaption of the only comic to win a Hugo Award-Science Fiction’s highest honor-but it also […]
Dear Speed Seduction Students And Fans, Over on my Facebook page, my fans and friends are having a very lively topic about a subject I introduced on my profile wall. I asked this question: “What bugs you most about seduction gurus…including me?” The answers are really quite telling. But perhaps the funniest […]