on line dating
Dear Speed Seduction® Students, The other day, someone on my member’s only Yahoo group posted something quite interesting. He had met a woman on-line and they had gone out on a “date”(Something I usually warn against: remember with Speed Seduction®, dating is for women you are already sleeping with! So much for “dating tips” and […]
[HTML1] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, What a dumb ass a genius can be. What you are about to watch is actually, and should have been posted as, the FIRST of the Up To Speed videos. I can only say it is damn good so maybe that makes up for it. Peace, piece and pardon my […]
Dear Speed Seduction Students, [HTML1] Here we go with Part IV of Module 1: Up To Speed With Speed Seduction(R). In this video, I go into the core concepts that power the Speed Seduction(R) technology. Enjoy and please leave your comments. Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Watch for a special video tomorrow on a new […]
[HTML1] Guys, This one is SOOO good, I’ll just let it speak for itself. Please spread the link around: everyone needs to see this Peace and piece, RJ “Get me as your master teacher, coach, and advisor for just $1 www.rjcoaching.com”