Sun, Feb 23, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success Revealed in a 1:56 clip from a seminar last year, watch how a penny, a nickel, and a dime can break the ice and lead to some really Sargy fun  (we teach more about this in Rapid and Total Success With Women): Peace, RJ P.S. The real genius (and fun) of […]
Dear Seeker of Success, I’m taking a quick gander through my Lovely Mail Bag here and there are two e-mails from students here. When I put them together, I think they sort of solve each other.   Let’s give this a try. The first is from someone who seems to be having a little problem with […]
Overcoming Shyness: A Lesson From A Chick
Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, In past articles on this blog, I’ve delved into how to handle things when a woman you approach figures out you’re using Speed Seduction® patterns on her. Well, wouldn’t you know… women are using my techniques too! Here’s an example of how some chicks get this stuff naturally, particularly […]