Sun, Feb 23, 2025
Visual Ventriloquism And Vague Language
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As I mentioned yesterday, I make it a point to do my energized breathing meditation practice EVERY day, including the clearing ritual. I’ve found a very interesting side effect; oftentimes, after doing the ritual, I find myself running into someone I’ve made a recent connection with, in an unexpected place, or […]
Language Patterns And Sexualization In Action
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Straight from the 2012 seminar vault, watch this 2-minute clip where I illustrate how to use suggestive language and make it seem like a normal, everyday, regular conversation I’d be having with a woman: Peace and piece, PR (aka RJ) P.S. What you just saw is a moment in time from […]
Phonological Ambiguity: RJ Debunks The Naysayers, Again
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Every so often I find it necessary to debunk the naysayers.  Today is that “every so often.” For example, those who say Speed Seduction® is silly or that “any intelligent woman would see right through it and think you’re a weirdo/perv/psycho.” This particular band of naysayers say that if they used […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Students, Just how difficult is it to use sexual metaphor and suggestions with a woman? Is it actually, in reality, quite easy, and something you can playfully use to sexualize conversations quite rapidly? Why, yes, my horny disciples.  Yes indeedy do! Here is an example: Last week, I visited a friend in […]