Sun, Mar 09, 2025
The "Truly Want Them To Be" Close
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, You don’t always have to say a lot to “close” a woman.  Sometimes you’re in a hurry and don’t have time for chit-chat but you are highly interested in the woman you’re speaking with now and need to move things forward quickly. I know how much you guys love word-for-word patterns, […]
Asking Her Out When Other People Are Around
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, In an ideal world (assuming there’s some fantasy-island “one definition” of “ideal” that fits every person and every situation), when Sarging a woman there would be no one else within earshot, no background noises, no distractions, no cell phones blaring, and nothing on her mind, at all, except overwhelming thoughts about […]
RJ Critiques Awesome Student Sarge!
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, A great way to teach you how to succeed with women is to let you see how it works in real-time.  A student of mine asked me to critique a recent supermarket pickup he did.  Watch and learn: Now, you too can get me, Ross Jeffries, on your side and in […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Nothing brings me more joy and satisfaction (well, maybe a few things do hehe) than hearing from you, my fans, friends, and students, about how Speed Seduction® gets you real results with real women in the real world. Please take a moment to explore how this student used seemingly innocent conversation […]