Sun, Mar 09, 2025
Charisma And Vulnerability: Things You Can't Just Rehearse
Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, When we consider the concept of “charisma”, there are two elements I often point out – particularly when they find themselves rehearsing their lines or what they’re going to say when they approach a woman. These are: a) stepping into the unknown and b) holding space for the other […]
LIVE DEMO: The Power Of The Sarge, In Action
Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, At my recent live 3-day seminar, I did a series of live demonstrations, with female models, on how to apply my girl-getting teachings as pertain specifically to the Sarge. Watch this video clip (just 4:41) to see it in action, now, and then leave a comment to tell me […]
Pick Up Lines/How To Meet Women Mastery: "She Stopped Dead In Her Tracks When I Threw Her This Line!"
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, As part of my ongoing Pick Up Tips/How To Meet Women Mastery series of articles, I just had to share this. Today, as I was walking back from the beach, I spotted a hot girl walking toward me from the opposite direction.  Noticing that she was wearing a big floppy hat, […]
Video 9: Forget Pick Up Lines, Use The Blurt Out!
[youtube][/youtube] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, In this video, which is 9 of 10 in my Beyond Dating Tips/Advice For Men Mastery series, I reveal one of my favorite methods for meeting women: the Blurt Out. The Blurt Out works great when you are in a situation that involves the woman walking past you while you […]