Sun, Mar 09, 2025
How To Be Funny/Use Humor And "Put Ons" To Meet Women
[youtube][/youtube] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Student, This video is number 6 of the 10 part Youtube Beyond Dating Tips/Advice For Men Mastery Series.( I know I say on the video that it is number 7 but actually it is number 6 .But really what the fuck does it matter?) I teach my favorite method meeting women: […]
How Positive Thinking Can Destroy Your Success With Women
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I’m more convinced than ever that 90% of the success and satisfaction you can enjoy with women is influenced far more by what is between your ears than what is between her legs. Now, don’t get me wrong here. As you are about to learn here, I do NOT believe in […]
My New Home Page Is Live-Please Tell Me What You Think!
Dear Speed Seduction Students, We have an entirely new look for the home page; more polished, more upscale and more “professional”. What do you think? Peace and piece, RJ
More "Spy On My Coaching Program" Video: How To Meet Women When Other Guys Are Around
[youtube][/youtube] Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, I hope you are enjoying this ongoing “Spy On My Coaching Program” video series. Notice in this video I talk about how: 1. In the beginning, as you get more skilled, you may experience more frustration. 2. How sometimes the way you frame the situation may be hiding the actual […]