pick up lines
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, One of the things I teach newbies who are looking for ways to meet women wherever they might be is this: “90% of the time, the worst that will happen is nothing will happen”. If a woman doesn’t happen to like your particular approach or opening, it is very rare indeed […]
“I feed him a little dirt. Then I help him to swallow”…Batman, The Dark Knight Returns, Frank Miller My Dear Speed Seduction(R) Fans, Students, and Friends, The time has come to pull the trigger, rip the shit out of the seduction community phonies, fakes, peacockers, and rip-off artists, and give you guys the most […]
Dear Speed Seduction(R) Fans And Students, “This is where we hold on to them by the nose, and kick them in the ass”…. From all of the comments I’m getting here on the blog, it looks like all of you are as excited as I am about the big smackdown I am going to levy […]
Dear Speed Seduction(R) Students, This Friday, February 13th, at 12 Noon, PST, I am going to “thrown down” on the entire seduction community and declare open war on the fakes, liars, peacockers, Double Your Masturbaters, neggers and fools. Since this past September, I’ve been experimenting with moving the free line, right here on this blog. […]