Mon, Mar 10, 2025
An Unusual Pick-Up Line Opener That Gets Her Interested
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Women at all ranges of the HB scale, in all walks of life, get hit on all the time.  Especially waitresses.  OMG. In this clip (just 2:10) I show you, word-for-word, how to stand out in the Sargy crowd, AND avoid a mistake many other guys make. (What you’re about to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Time and time I’ve heard it again, from students and other smart guys who approach women with a specific sequence of actions or memorized pick-up lines. There’s a reason why I hear it. One (or more) of three things will usually happen(and many times one leads from the other): a) She’ll […]
Overcoming Shyness: A Lesson From A Chick
Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, In past articles on this blog, I’ve delved into how to handle things when a woman you approach figures out you’re using Speed Seduction® patterns on her. Well, wouldn’t you know… women are using my techniques too! Here’s an example of how some chicks get this stuff naturally, particularly […]
Dear Seeker of Success, I am so sick to here with the excuses guys give me for not approaching and meeting women. “Oh, I just wasn’t in the mood that day. “ “I was distracted.” “I was in a hurry.” Well, you sorry little ladies need  a boot in the ass. So today I am […]