Wed, Jan 22, 2025
What You Say First To Meet Her DOESN'T Matter!
Dear Seeker of Success, Today, I am pretty tired. I’m not only tired but I look pretty unkempt: haven’t shaved, combed my hair, and am wearing sweats and sandals. You know what that means, dontcha? Perfect Time To Pick Up Women! So earlier today, I’m in the Walgreen’s, and I had an opportunity to demonstrate […]
"Do You Mind If I Reach For The Creme?"
Dear Seeker of Success, Watch this video clip – never seen before, just “leaked” from our soon-to-be-released Speed Seduction® The New Code: The Next Generation. This great “Ross Plays With Girls” clip is about the initial approach. [HTML1] Peace, RJ
7 Tips To Supercharge Your Speed Seduction® Success!
Dear Seeker of Success, Part of learning any technology is understanding some basic principles. So I’ve compiled some tips that I have found have helped many students master the initial Speed Seduction® learning curve in a shorter amount of time. First, remember, a critical part of what I teach in Speed Seduction® is learning to […]
Supply Your Demand Of HER Curves: Why Lines Aren't Enough
Dear Seeker of Success, One of my students told me he had to take economic courses three times before he finally got a f@@king clue about those curves. The first two courses, the instructor spent most of their time drawing supply and demand curves on a chalkboard.  Five minutes after handing in the final exam, […]