Sun, Feb 23, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Today, I am pretty tired. I’m not only tired but I look pretty unkempt: haven’t shaved, combed my hair, and am wearing sweats and sandals. You know what that means, dontcha? Perfect Time To Pick Up Women! So earlier today, I’m in the Walgreen’s, and I had an opportunity to demonstrate […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Watch this video clip – never seen before, just “leaked” from our soon-to-be-released Speed Seduction® The New Code: The Next Generation. This great “Ross Plays With Girls” clip is about the initial approach. Peace, RJ
Dear Seeker of Success, Part of learning any technology is understanding some basic principles. So I’ve compiled some tips that I have found have helped many students master the initial Speed Seduction® learning curve in a shorter amount of time. First, remember, a critical part of what I teach in Speed Seduction® is learning to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, One of my students told me he had to take economic courses three times before he finally got a f@@king clue about those curves. The first two courses, the instructor spent most of their time drawing supply and demand curves on a chalkboard.  Five minutes after handing in the final exam, […]