Wed, Mar 12, 2025
Overcoming Shyness: A Lesson From A Chick
Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, In past articles on this blog, I’ve delved into how to handle things when a woman you approach figures out you’re using Speed Seduction® patterns on her. Well, wouldn’t you know… women are using my techniques too! Here’s an example of how some chicks get this stuff naturally, particularly […]
Dear Seeker of Success, If you were an alien and had never seen a hammer before, you would probably use the hammer to try to smooth a piece of glass. At least, within the first 10 minutes, unless you shatter the window first. Then, forget it. This begs the question: when you first approach a […]
Dear Seeker of Success, A lot of us have been there. Your Sarge is going well, she’s already snuggled up right next to you, her hands boldly going places on you they’ve not gone before (for her). Any minute now, you’re going to use one of the proven Speed Seduction® techniques for getting her back […]
Dear Seeker of Success, I am so sick to here with the excuses guys give me for not approaching and meeting women. “Oh, I just wasn’t in the mood that day. “ “I was distracted.” “I was in a hurry.” Well, you sorry little ladies need  a boot in the ass. So today I am […]