Ross Jeffries
Dear Seeker of Success, One of the many reasons it’s not only impossible, but inappropriate, to teach Speed Seduction® mastery in a linear fashion is, generally speaking women are not linear creatures. On the same token, my students who are engineers tend to do extremely well with my material. Watch how I transformed an engineer […]
Dear Seeker of Success, A significant portion of what I teach works whether you’re speaking with a woman, a customer, a boss, or a random person on the street. One of my Speed Seduction® coaching students asked me this: Let’s say I’m speaking to someone about a product. There are times when the feedback turns […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Another phrase is “Bank on it.” Really? Here, I revealed a personal story that illustrates why there’s no such thing as a “blank slate” in the mind of the recipient of your message: Peace, RJ P.S. To claim the “magnum opus” of my teachings on getting women into bed, click here […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Lots of negative messages come flying at us when we approach and Sarge women. Women reject us – sometimes viciously, sometimes publicly and with deliberate intent to humiliate us in front of everyone within earshot. People get on our case about not being “suave” with the ladies. Then, when we take […]