Wed, Mar 12, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Just because you’re in some sort of slump – with women, with life, with whatever you want to achieve – you’re not automatically an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump). To break free of a slump, you are going to have to do a few things. First you are going to have to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Even more proof that when you invest in Speed Seduction®, you get so much more than just a set of pick-up lines; you get a proven system that gets you sustained results with your women that you truly desire, on-tap whenever you need it. Check out this awesome note I got […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Last week I promised you the second very important impact language has on your girl-getting game. Let’s take a trip to the Dark Side of the power of language, to help you understand what a lethal woman-wowing weapon language can truly be: Peace, RJ P.S.  Just imagine your words going straight […]
Dear Seeker of Success, There are so many collections of “worst pick-up lines ever” online, even I pulled together my own set. One of the (many) awesome things about Speed Seduction® is: you can use corny, dumb pick-up lines to artfully and effortlessly scale barriers that leave other guys tongue-twisted. While AFCs say “I heard […]