Wed, Mar 12, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, Language is one of the most powerful power tools you have in your girl-getting arsenal – for two MAJOR reasons. Watch this video clip that reveals the first one: Peace, RJ P.S. Next week I’ll reveal the other one. However I know you don’t want to wait seven f@@king DAYS to […]
Dear Seeker of Success, In almost every case I say: nothing’s better than pink. However, when it comes to sales, marketing, and anything else we do to let others know we’re better than the competition, there’s one thing better. (When you’re Sarging a chick who’s in sales and marketing, think about how you could adapt […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Whenever I hear someone is in a relationship, my first question: is it a relationship, or a real-hate-shun-ship by default? Your married pal – does he have a wife-for-life who inspires him every day, or a “whyfe” he does everything to avoid? Before we go any further, let me be clear: […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Listen: flirting with a woman and her taking it the wrong way pales in comparison to something you might do (or not do) that will REALLY offend her: Peace, RJ P.S. Properly sexualizing the conversation with a woman means you may not even have to “make a pass” at her. Click […]