Ross Jeffries
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, I’ve said it before. Properly using the skills and tools inside Speed Seduction®, you can not only make seductive language seem, to her, like seemingly innocent, normal everyday conversation; you can also get her doing most of the work seducing herself. Some students look at me all cross-eyed, like: “Get her […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Watch this short video, that introduces a core principle of seduction as well as persuasion in a very universal and foundational way: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Now take a couple minutes and check out how we can help you further – from the bedroom to the boardroom (each link opens […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Students and Fans, It’s the eve of another year. Already, I’m reading all this stuff about the “resolutions” people are making… Lose weight. Get a new job. Go back to school and get that MBA. Start saving more money. Plan that magic cruise. Whatever. You know what?
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Do you believe you can have more success with women? Watch the first couple minutes of “Reviewing Your Sarge – How To Build Super-Efficient Skill At Learning And Rocket Up The Learning Curve” – one of the many modules contained within Rapid and Total Success With Women – and see how […]