Fri, Mar 14, 2025
Dear Seeker of Success, There’s a song by Eddie Money that goes “I wanna go back, and do it all over…but I can’t go back…” Actually, this raises a good question.  CAN you go back? Maybe there’s a hottie from your past whose “friend zone” you got caught in, or she’s that former classmate you […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Have you ever had a woman say “ewww, yuck!” (with her eyes and expression) the moment you approach her? It might have been something other than your language patterns or your opening line: Peace, RJ P.S. Want to end this problem for yourself, forever? Let me show you how to show […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Sometimes being “positive” is not the right way to be, when it comes to women. Now, let me be clear about something-I’m not talking about your attitude. I’m talking about your language. You see, one of the most powerful linguistic tools in existence that can totally blast through a woman’s last […]
Dear Seeker of Success, Who do you think “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is targeted toward – men or women?  How can it help you get laid?  Could you get your dirtiest fantasy fulfilled? Peace, RJ P.S. Rapid and Total Success With Women is a structured, step-by-step, well-organized “roadmap” (including drills and skills […]