Ross Jeffries
Dear Speed Seducers, One of the things that never ceases to amuse me is how women attempt to exert control that they don’t even really want. Too often, as budding master seducers, we take women’s attempts to control us at face value and winding up blocking our own cocks. Example: you are making out and […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, The building blocks of ordinary reality have a huge impact on your learning. In this video, ripped right out of the MindFrame Persuasion® course, I share an example of how this leads to new levels of understanding: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. If you are ready to blow your competition out […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, You’ve heard it said a thousand times, “When it comes to success with women, NICE GUYS FINISH LAST.” I’d put it this way, “When it comes to success with women, NICE GUYS FINISH IN THEIR HAND!” However, all rules make sense in a certain context. For example, when you drive on […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, It takes training to recognize progress as one moves from Average Frustrated Chump (AFC) to Speed Seducer® who has mastered his skills and is achieving success with the woman he truly desires. Learn more in this short clip: Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Within the “Inner Game” modules that you find […]