Ross Jeffries
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Click “Play” now and watch my interview with Hayley Quinn, our guest speaker at the June 28-30 London seminar. Just watch… and learn… give yourself the gift 🙂 Peace and piece, RJ P.S. Hayley has taught over 10,000 guys how to date. At the London seminar, she will share with you […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, With there now being officially less than one month to go before our June 28-30 3-day London seminar, I’m getting a lot of great questions. You got questions, I got answers… let’s break it down, starting with the #1 question: ——————————————————— Q: “Ross, when are you coming to Lisbon (or Moscow, […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Listen: you can recite patterns word-for-word until you’re blue in the face. But if she’s not open to being seduced… yeah… she WILL giggle later when she tells her gal pals about that guy who wanted to show her a new direction. Here’s one great way of opening her up: P.S. […]
Dear Speed Seduction® Student, Are you the “cute brother,” the “sweet guy,” the “adorable teddy bear” that every chick says she wants to hug tight and pinch your cheeks because you’re oh-so-cute? Wonder why all these women think you’re so lovable and huggable – yet these same women are actually doing the lascivious lambada with […]